Monday 11 January 2010

Grey Day

Not feeling very inspired today. I felt quite positive yesterday after finishing my Valentines Heart Brooches. Have started to list them today.

But now I am struggling to think what to make next. This isn't really like me, as I normally have a big long list of things I want to make. I think part of the problem is that I feel like a should work on some more new things, but the trouble with this is having the time to develop my ideas properly. Rather than' I have two hours spare lets making something.'

I was lying in bed last night thinking what to do next and my mind was blank. I think maybe I am thinking too much about a change in direction or brand new items and maybe work just naturally develops with time and it doesn't need to be such a big thing.

I don't think January, diets and greyness help much either.


  1. Hope the new ideas come flooding in for you very quickly. I have just blogged my finished Poppy picture...hope that inspires you :-)
    A x

  2. I find that spending a while looking at blogs like yours fills my brain with all sorts of creative brilliance and then my own little brain makes a link or two and out of all that comes my own humble offerings!!

  3. I think your 'problem' is common to all creative people... some days the ideas flow and there's no sopping... even for a cuppa, and other days/weeks, it's as if one's brain has turned to mush!!! I usually find a walk by the sea or down the lanes, coffee with a friend or a completely different activity will spark another train of thought!
    Hope a spark is lit for you soon.
    By the way, I love your pieces... so colourful and vibrant.. scrummy
    Yvonne xx
