This week I am having a bit of a re-group, after being busy for so long, its really nice to take things a bit easy and not constantly feel like you are rushing. It feels so nice to have some more time on my hands, even though I have a long list of things to catch up on. It amazing after working very long days for a few months how working 9 - 5:30pm can feel like taking it easy.
I always knew that my proper job could be very full on and I was quite lucky that last year was fairly quite, so I got to spend most of my spare time working on Petal textiles. This year has not really gone to plan with one thing and another and I have had to put everything on hold for the last 3 months or so. I suppose I am a little disappointed that I wasn't able to juggle things better and its a shame Petal Textiles had to take such a back seat, when really this is what I would like to be doing, but that's life!
This has got be thinking about where am I heading and what is it I am trying to do? Don't worry I haven't made any big decisions, and will probably just continue to potter along. But it would be nice one day to be able to commit more time to this, as the only way I will ever get anyway is hard work, lots of hours and lots of luck. And at the moment I can't do this.So right now I feel like I need to start again, which in a way is quite exciting, I think my plan is to get myself together so I have lots of stock for Christmas and do lots of fair and things around then. But right now its time to have a rest and some fun in the sunshine.