Is it too early to start nesting? I am sure these feelings have more to do with our damp and mouldy house and impending chaos that is going to be caused by the weeks of repair work and wanting to live somewhere nice. But I certainly have a bit of nesting going on (not that I can do much about it yet).

(I got this beautiful Hannah Nunn lamp for Christmas, I love it and brightens up my rather sparse living room)
I have spent any spare time over the last few weeks having a good sort out, this started from having to clear, clean sort and dry lots of damp cupboards, but I have now moved onto to other areas of the house. It does feel great to have a good clear out and was certainly much needed.
I am like many of you a bit of hoarder. I don't like throwing things away as it might be useful or I may be able to make something with it one day, but in reality I very rarely use these things. So I have been harsh with myself and only kept things I know I will use. I may regret this in a few months, but right not it feels good to have less stuff.
Once I have finished sorting through everything I am going to start making some things for our newly decorated house. I have quite a long list of things I would like to make, but I am sure it will be fun and will hopefully help me save some money. I made this cushion last year and I think I might make some more.
Although I do have my eye on this for the baby's room.

We are very lucky, as we have left starting a family quite late, most of our friends and family have already done it, so we seem to be getting lots offers of baby things, so I am hoping that initially won't need to buy too much, so maybe I can justify the beautiful rocking chair. We'll see!
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