Here are some more photo's from the weekend. Our stall was in a stable, so we were fairly limited to space, although I think we managed to make the most of what we had. It got a bit busy when people were looking, so we had to lurk nearby and this meant standing all day.
I have wondered if people may have looked or brought more if they didn't have to walk into the stall, I suppose its easier to casually browse at a table, but I doubt it made that much difference.
Here is Pinnikity's version of events!
I suppose the good news is I don't need to make anything for the fair this weekend, (although if I get time I may make a couple more hot water bottles, but waiting for a fibre delivery first). This means I can start thinking about making some things for Christmas or for me, which is quite nice. First project will be making my niece a Christmas stocking for her first Christmas, which I
am hoping she can keep for a few years.

I also need to find some time in daylight to take some product photo's, I have lots of draught excluders, door stops, Christmas cards, tea cosies etc... to list. I think its maybe a bit late for Christmas, but seems silly not to list them.
Both the hall and your stall look brilliant. I have yet to do a craft fair - confidence I suppose both for me and my stuff. I'm really feeling my way and you are such an inspiration. Don't give up will you? As all my things are for charity I have stayed with the coffee morning approach, also I need to develop my own area. Not sure what - love crocheting though. Hope Warwick is better for you.